How to setup a simple samba server

Posted by Binor on 07/02/2016

In this post, we show how to setup a simple/small LAN samba server. The setup is done on an OpenBSD distribution.

First we start by installing the samba package. This is done by first defining which mirror we will use to download the package and it dependencies.

export PKG_PATH=`uname -r`/packages/`uname -m`/
pkg_add -r samba-3.6.15p15

The commands above install samba and its dependencies. One of these dependencies is python 2.7. To make this version of python the default one, we need to create the following symbolic links:

ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/python
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7-2to3 /usr/local/bin/2to3
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7-config /usr/local/bin/python-config
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/pydoc2.7  /usr/local/bin/pydoc

We have now installed the samba package. The next step is to configure it. We are going to configure two shared folders. The first is a public share accessible on read and write for everyone. The second is accessible only to members of pre-defined group.

The following commands create the directory, set up the permissions and configure the required group and user.

mkdir -p /pub
chmod -R 777 /pub
mkdir -p /smb
chmod -R 777 /smb

groupadd staff
useradd samba
usermod -G staff samba
smbpasswd -a samba

The next step is changing the samba configuration file to reflect the setup we described above. The file /etc/samba/smb.conf should looks like the following:

   		workgroup = WORKGROUP
   		server string = Samba Server
   		security = user
   		log file = /var/log/samba/smbd.%m
   		max log size = 50
   		dns proxy = no
   		allow insecure wide links = no
   		map to guest = bad user

   		comment = Public file space
   		path = /pub
   		read only = no
   		public = yes
   		force user = nobody
   		max connections = 10

   		comment = Shared directory
   		path = /smb
   		public = no
   		valid users = samba, @staff
   		writable = yes
   		browseable = yes
   		create mask = 0765

Most of the configuration above are default and self explanatory. It is worth mentioning that map to guest = bad user is necessary to have Windows user access the public share without being prompted an authentication popup.

Finally, we need to add some configuration flags to the samba service and enable it to auto start at boot time.

echo '
' >> /etc/rc.conf.local
rcctl enable samba

After restarting the samba service rcctl restart samba, the shared folder should be accessible for our LAN users. You should also have the ports 139 and 445 open and on listening mode.


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